Let me introduce the basic item Sinobi top with the swimcity logo charm as the point.
The elastic and smooth-fitting fabric is used, and the swimcity logo charm details along the half-neckline add eye-catching details. The side shirring details also provide an elegant silhouette with a fit that accentuates the shape of the body line.
If you want to create a natural and sophisticated look with a combination of style and comfort, style it with Sinobi top. Let me introduce the basic item Sinobi top with the swimcity logo charm as the point.
The elastic and smooth-fitting fabric is used, and the swimcity logo charm details along the half-neckline add eye-catching details. The side shirring details also provide an elegant silhouette with a fit that accentuates the shape of the body line.
If you want to create a natural and sophisticated look with a combination of style and comfort, style it with Sinobi top.
韓国人気[SWIMCITY♥][ 2nd ] Sinobi top (wh) / (bl)(111739942)
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商品説明 : 写真をご覧ください。
Let me introduce the basic item Sinobi top with the swimcity logo charm as the point.
The elastic and smooth-fitting fabric is used, and the swimcity logo charm details along the half-neckline add eye-catching details. The side shirring details also provide an elegant silhouette with a fit that accentuates the shape of the body line.
If you want to create a natural and sophisticated look with a combination of style and comfort, style it with Sinobi top.
Let me introduce the basic item Sinobi top with the swimcity logo charm as the point.
The elastic and smooth-fitting fabric is used, and the swimcity logo charm details along the half-neckline add eye-catching details. The side shirring details also provide an elegant silhouette with a fit that accentuates the shape of the body line.
If you want to create a natural and sophisticated look with a combination of style and comfort, style it with Sinobi top.
韓国人気[SWIMCITY♥][ 2nd ] Sinobi top (wh) / (bl)(111739942)【取扱のご注意】
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