【セット色】20色セット 【特長1】のびのびと自由に描けるように作られたクレパス 【特長2】均一なやわらかさなので、混色・重色が自由にできる 【特長3】子どもたちの手に合わせた太さとやわらかさ/折れにくく、面塗りも線描きも自由自在 【単品サイズ】Φ11×71mm/本 きいろみかんいろだいだいいろはだいろちゃいろおうどいろこげちゃしゅいろあかももいろむらさきみずいろきみどりみどりふかみどりあおぐんじょうはいいろくろしろ Is the crepes were made so you can draw without any inhibitions and freely. A uniform softness so mixed heavy color freely. It is easy to use painting tools with crayons and pastels and both featured. ◆ set includes: yellow and may have orange and orange and pale bitter orange and Brown and ochre and Brown and vermilion and red and pink and purple blue and yellow-green and green and dark green and blue and Ultramarine and gray and black and white Label セットバコ and on top of: paper thinner: PS [prod133]: pp
Is the crepes were made so you can draw without any inhibitions and freely. A uniform softness so mixed heavy color freely. It is easy to use painting tools with crayons and pastels and both featured.
◆ set includes: yellow and may have orange and orange and pale bitter orange and Brown and ochre and Brown and vermilion and red and pink and purple blue and yellow-green and green and dark green and blue and Ultramarine and gray and black and white
Label セットバコ and on top of: paper thinner: PS [prod133]: pp